West Branch Regional Authority is accepting hauled in Septage and holding tank water on a limit basis at our wastewater treatment facility. We are only excepting residential septic tank waste and sanitary holding tank wastewater. We are NOT accepting fracking waste, portable toilet waste, grease trap waste, or other treatment plant sludge. We do not have a flow meter so volume will be estimated and agreed upon between WBRA and the hauler before unloading. WBRA is only approved for 20,000 gallons per day. Our current price as of January 2022 is $0.045 per gallon. All deliveries MUST call ahead to verify capacity and schedule the delivery. To verify and schedule a delivery, call (570) 419-3604. Receiving hours are from 6:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m.
Please contact me at jeffs@westbranch-ra.org with any questions.